
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Can I File a Claim for Agent Orange Exposure?

At Jan Dils Attorneys at Law, we interact with a lot of Veterans who served during Vietnam, and want to file claims for Agent Orange Exposure. However, one of the biggest misconceptions is that we can file a “general” claim for exposure, but that is simply not the case. With Agent Orange, the VA releases a list of “presumptives” that are a result of Agent Orange Exposure.

The following is the VA policy for Agent Orange Exposure: “VA assumes that certain diseases are related to qualifying military service. These are called "presumptive diseases." VA has recognized certain cancers and other health problems as presumptive diseases related to exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides during military service.”

In other words, in order to have a claim for Agent Orange, you must have a disease that is a presumptive of exposure. The official list of presumptive can be found here. In addition to a presumptive, a Veteran has to meet other requirements, such as serving in an area in which Agent Orange was used, in order to be granted a favorable decision.

This topic is very confusing to most. That is why so many Veterans turn to Jan Dils Attorneys at Law for help with Agent Orange cases. If you are interested in filing a claim for one of the presumptives, or if you need help with an appeal, give our office a call: 1-877-526-3457

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